We turned off the highway and onto a gravel road, the end of our long journey home from Colorado. If I was completely honest with myself, I'd have realized I was a bit nervous. It's not every day you meet your boyfriend's family. We had just enjoyed a weekend skiing with college friends, and since we were driving right by Evan's hometown, we figured we might as well stop and say hi. As we pulled up to the farm, I was struck by how quiet it was. The drifted snow muffled our tires and we slid into the garage, like a couple of stealth undercover cops. I bet no one knows we're even here, I thought. But no sooner was old Berta (E's old Beretta) in park and we exchanged a "well, we made it!" grin, then the door to the house cracked open and out came a rush of energy and excitement I now know can only be associated with Riley. She whisked us into the house with tales from her day at school and the latest small town gossip, an endless stream of chatter that made me feel right at home.
I can't believe it's now been 11 years (eleven!!!) since I met Evan's little sister. But she remains the spunky Riley I met that day in the garage, and always a joy to be around. I'm so excited for her to walk down the aisle in just two weeks. It was a special treat to tromps around the farm with these two lovebirds - enjoy the slideshow! (scroll down)
(Note: Actual photo quality not represented well in slideshow)
Turn up the music!
Lover of the Light by Mumford & Sons